The tulips are out in full force right now and the bleeding heart sure cheered up with all the rain we had. Everything looks better from getting the good wet stuff.
I have been amending my soil with compost the past few days. I use it for my mulch and it gives the soil nutrients as well. I get it from the city, going over to the compost center each morning before work. I let it stink up my car in the morning before I unload it at lunch time. Then I lay it in the beds very carefully when I get home from work in the evening. With the compost and the rain my garden sure is looking a lot better than it did last week at this time.
Wednesday my parents celebrated their 59th anniversary. So I took them a candlelight dinner that included some asparagus from my garden. I don’t have anything else yet, but the strawberries are blooming and the apple trees have been in bloom so I know I have fruit coming my way this summer.
There is a section in my garden for myrtle, my mother's favorite plant. It is in bloom this time of year and I think of her when I see it.
The types of potatoes I planted are German Butterball, All Blue and Purple Viking. I have never tried these types before so I am looking forward to them. They are heirloom potatoes I got from the Seed Savers Exchange. The onion sets I bought from Burpee’s are planted as well. Soon I will get the peas I started into the ground and plant some leaf lettuce. And this weekend I will set up my greenhouse on the deck and start moving some seedlings out to it. The cat will no longer be a bother to them. What a relief.
The Valerie Finnis hyacinth seem to do well even though they are planted beneath my maple tree in the front. A nice skirt of blue this time of year.