Yes, unfortunately the lavender has done its best for the year and now it is time to move on to something else in bloom in the garden. This lavender is so hardy and hard working for me. I have had it for many years and it keeps coming back and giving me that sweet fragrance and gorgeous long lasting blooms. But this too shall pass; the gardener’s constant is change.
I had two red tomatoes on the Roma tomato plant in a pot on the deck. Unfortunately they both had blossom end rot. So I am still waiting for my first tomatoes and making do with what I get from the farmer’s market. I bought a variety of them at the Frankenmuth market Saturday, along with more kohlrabi (I can never have enough and fortunately it lasts awhile), peaches and blueberries. I don’t have any peppers yet either so I bought some jalapenos to make my first batch of salsa for the year. Fortunately I do have onions, garlic and oregano of my own to use.
Thursday my friend, Janet, and I went to Tipton, Michigan to visit Hidden Lakes Garden which is run by Michigan State University. It is an inexpensive visit ($3.00) and well worth it. Of course if you are a member of the Horticultural Gardens at MSU which I am, it is free. It was a relaxing visit after a day at Lilith Fair which came to the Detroit area on Wednesday. What a wonderful concert! I got to hear Melissa McClelland from the Cayamo cruise I was on last February. Yes, I know I am digressing from the garden here, but what the heck. Good music, beautiful flowers, all is fair in the world of art which is what makes living worthwhile.
There are some grand old trees in Tipton; Janet and I are just there as accents in some of the following pictures. And Hosta Hill is gorgeous as usual. I would love to bring my mother here in spring when the myrtle is in bloom since myrtle is her favorite plant. There are many wildflowers in bloom and the meadows are full of coneflower and black-eyed susans, two wonderful plants the home gardener can use.
I haven’t a clue what this plant is but Janet wanted a picture of it and forgot her camera so here it is. Here are some other pictures from Tipton. Enjoy!