Monday, April 25, 2011

Spring Continues

I spent a lovely weekend with friends in Berlin, Ohio, the heart of Amish country recently. We were just enough south from where I live to enjoy some tulips, grape hyacinths and redbuds which were in bloom.

Still, spring has reached Saginaw, Michigan and we are in the midst of daffodil and hyacinth season. I do wish it were just a bit warmer. I certainly don't sweat when I am out working in the garden these days.

Let's hope the snow is finished for the season and that onions and potatoes will get planted someday soon.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Bluebells and Other Spring Flowers

When I looked outside this morning, I might have thought spring hadn't come. There was frost and ice on the deck and it crunched beneath my feet when I braved the cold and dared to go outside. Of course the Pulmonaria told me otherwise. Yes, it may not feel like it, but according to my garden, spring really is here.

What I like about bluebells is, well, the fact that they are blue. True blue flowers are a bit rare in the garden so it is nice to have this color in April since it is my favorite color. Not maize and blue, just blue. I like green too of course, I have to as I am a gardener. But blue, well that's the color for me. And I have a lot of it right now. Of course I am calling on Mother Nature for a bit of warmth too!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Crocuses in Bloom

I am a sucker for crocuses since they are what bloom first in my sunny Saginaw, Michigan garden. And it is always nice when the snow goes away and I can actually see them.
This has been a year for snow in Saginaw though I don't complain since I like to ski. But after a world weary winter I am ready for life of the garden variety. Let's me know that I too am kicking!

Need to know how to plant crocuses? Search for them at the Ohio State University PlantFacts Database a great resource for avid gardeners.
The hyacinths are poking through as are the alliums. Want color? Plant bulbs. Want to eat? Plant bulbs. Onions that is. Bulbs are an all purpose sort of plant, to eat or not to eat, well that is up to you. Just make sure they are safe from the squirrels who like to dig them up.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Snow in April

I know I live in Michigan and I can expect spring to lag behind the rest of the nation, but old man winter has had enough fun this year. Yes we got more snow yesterday. On top of what we already had. I am so ready for spring.

So I guess that is what ornamental grasses are good for. Winter interest since winter doesn't seem to want to end this year. One has to have something to look at when yet more snow falls. My crocuses were in bloom but I suspect they are weather beaten now.

That doesn't mean I am not an optimist. I have started tomato and pepper seeds, many heirloom varieties and the kohlrabi has peeked through along with the leeks. Soon, I keep telling myself, soon.