Columbine (Aquilegia) is probably one of my favorite perennials. It is a reliable plant that has never failed me. I planted some babies I got at the Master Gardener plant exchange here in Saginaw, Michigan several years ago and I have had this wonderful plant ever since. No matter what I do wrong, this plant does not seem to care and keeps on coming back for me. Sun or shade, I can plant it just about anywhere and it doesn't seem to mind.
It reliably self seeds without being weedy and taking over everything. I can dig up the babies and give them away or plant them somewhere else. The colors it comes in range from purple to yellow and everything in between since they are not picky about who they mate with. I have many in bloom now and they will probably stay in bloom the rest of the month into June. I love having a plant I can count on!
My greenhouses are up and put to work housing my plants while they harden off. So far so good, no more wind catastrophes. I guess I have them anchored pretty well. Everything except the basil is outside now and soon the basil will be joining the rest of my plant menagerie.
Within the greenhouse I have some milkweed I started from seed. I had to keep it in the refrigerator for 10 days. Imagine that! The seeds did germinate and now I am hopeful of being able to give the monarch butterflies what they want. Since I saw a couple of monarchs in the backyard yesterday I think this milkweed will be just the thing to keep them happy.
The Saginaw Vally Master Gardener Association holds its plant exchange at the end of this month. We are going to see the gardens at Frankenmuth Mutual Insurance Company which I am really looking forward to. I was there a few years ago and enjoyed it thoroughly. I have many plants potted up for the exchange including (you guessed it) columbine, golden oregano and Doone Vallye thyme.
The Johnson's Blue geraniums are starting to bloom. They have taken over the area where the tulips were quite showy just a couple of weeks ago. And none too soon as they are hiding the decaying leaves of the tulips which I leave to turn yellow to feed the bulbs.
And I have removed the netting I put down to protect the onions as they seem to be doing fine now and I no longer have to worry about some curious critter digging them up. Fortunately for onions the smell keeps many critters away once the onions get big enough.
What a beautiful day yesterday was here in Saginaw. I just love May. The days are longer, I have the entire summer to look forward to and yes, I am still eating asparagus. What more could a person ask for?
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