A couple of weeks ago we had a little excitement in the neighborhood. Several policemen showed up on the street where I live looking for a couple of fellows. I had no idea who or why they were being sought, but the policemen kept at it until they found their men. Later I found out that they had shot and killed a young man in a shopping center not too far from where I live. And then later I found out that the man who was killed was the cousin of a coworker.
I have been thinking about community gardens for awhile now, but this was the spur lit under me that I needed. Across the street from me a house was torn down in the spring. What remains is an empty lot owned by the Saginaw County Land Bank that is overgrown with weeds. So I decided to do something about it. I can rent the property for a dollar (big spender here) and I am still waiting to hear about liability insurance.
But that has not stopped me. I had a load of compost delivered from the city on Friday and spent Saturday using the newspaper and compost method of weed killing and laid the compost down. As you can see from the last picture there is still plenty of compost (and still plenty of property with weeds) left. Now I need to get more newspapers. Some of my neighbors are saving them for me. One of my neighbors helped with wetting the newspapers for awhile. Another helped me cut the lawn. Another told me to see him if I needed more compost as he works for the city and will ensure I get a good deal. I have talked to many people I have not talked to much before and it appears to me that just a small step on my part may lead to something good in my neighborhood.
At least I am praying it will. I will let the compost and newspapers sit for the fall and winter and hope that by spring I will be able to plant. And who knows. Maybe there are hidden talents in my neighborhood, ones that can help build raised beds, ones that will be willing to water, ones that will help with the harvest. Stay tuned to find out.
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