I didn’t really expect anything from the nasturtiums I planted since I planted the seeds late. I am always running behind it seems. But lo and behold (if I may be so quaint) one of the plants is actually in bloom right now! So the lesson learned here, is never give up. It isn’t too late. It may be the ides of September, but what the heck. Take the color whenever you can!
I planted some of these giant colchicums a couple of years ago and they seem to be spreading. If you want a bulb for fall, this one is for you. They may not last long, but they are spectacular while in bloom. Just the shot of color to boost the gardener’s happiness level. And happiness is what it is all about.
I’m inclined to cut glads when they flops and stick them in a vase. This glad is giving a nice accent to the deck.
The fall sedums are coming into their own these days. Sedum Autumn Joy is so reliable, year after year.
The cardinal flowers have been blooming for quite awhile now. I have to stake them a bit so I don’t mow them down when I cut the grass.
This variegated phlox has just rebloomed. And to think that it isn’t suffering from powdery mildew! What a great phlox this one is.
I just planted this Luna Pink Swirl Hibiscus this year. It started blooming two months ago and it is still giving me some blooms. What a good choice I made here!
Fall would not be complete without that tomato red color on the many plants I managed to tuck in here and there and everywhere in the garden. Whether it is this striped roma, or the purple smudge which has provided me with lots of tomato sauce, I can’t complain. It is an everyday thing since that bright red color says “pick me, pick me!” I will take color wherever I can get it.
Okay, so the birdhouse gourd is worth it. Yes indeed it is. Even though it annihilated the cucumbers, zucchini, eggplant and everything else in its wake. Okay, it seems to be getting along with the green beans; they like to crawl up each other with the sunflower stalks to balance them. I don’t know if I will actually succeed in making a birdhouse out of this gourd, but I am so excited to see three, yes three of them out there! I patiently waited, and now I am stuffing myself with homegrown potatoes, overindulging on the best tomatoes ever, and yes I even have some birdhouse gourds to look forward to.
Some folks may look at fall wistfully, thinking there goes summer for another year. I am thinking, life is good, the harvest is plenty, and all is right with the world.
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