Tuesday, August 9, 2011

A Little Bit Crazy for Dill

I have been growing dill in my garden for the past 25 years. It is one herb I could not do without. Why? Well, it passes the reliability test; I can always count on it. I used to worry about where it might self seed, but no more. I tend to let it do its thing since I like how it looks, no matter which flower bed it decides to be a part of. I am thinking of sowing a few seeds in the front garden as well. Tomatoes didn't work there (not enough sun) but I suspect dill will like it just fine.

Dill is a trouble free plant that self seeds, looks great in flower arrangements, lasts a long time and you can cook with it. What more could you ask of a plant!

Providing ornamentation in the garden can get to be an expensive hobby. That is why if have the opportunity to reuse something I jump on board and do it. This mirror has found a place showing off the cardinal flower behind my shed. It used to hang in my bathroom, but when I remodeled the bathroom it could either go out with the trash, or go out to the garden. I am glad to have found some use for it. The birds like it too!

1 comment:

  1. Anne, you are so clever! This looks great. What an imaginative use for the mirror.
