Saturday, October 27, 2012

Still Harvesting

Broccoli is a plant that will keep producing for you well into the fall. After you harvest the initial head if you leave the plant in the ground side shoots will appear and they are just as tasty.

Here it is, almost November and I picked enough broccoli in the past couple of days to make a big pot of cream of brocolli soup that mom and I can feast on all week. I also have plenty that I blanched and froze for eating all winter long.

Broccoli is cool weather plant that prefers cooler temperatures. That is why despite the frost we had last night (enough to put a thin sheet of ice on the small bird bath I keep on my deck) I was still able to pick some spears this morning. No protection needed-the plants were just fine.

 SLife sure is good with bounty galore!

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