The stargazers have buds on them so should be showy pretty soon. Lilies don’t last very long for me, even when they are true lilies and not hemerocallis (the daylilies).
So I need to enjoy them while I can. I have learned over the years however to wear my paint clothes when I am working in the garden at this time of year. The pollen that gets on my clothes is terribly difficult to get out so better to wear clothes I don’t care about.
I am finally starting to pick some vegetables in my garden. The radishes were pretty much a bust this year (I always seem to have some vegetables that don’t do as well as others) but I am picking baby lettuces (actually thinning them out but eating the thinnings) and Swiss chard plus some snow peas. I love the snow peas since they don’t have to be podded, just eat them pods and all. To think that when I was a child I thought it was fun to pod the peas at my grandparents’ farm! I also picked one kohlrabi for which I am thinking of making hummus. There is plenty more kohlrabi out there fortunately. Using a method of collars made of margarine containers and netting I have managed to keep them safe from the critters this year. Hopefully I won’t forget to protect them next year. Old age is hard. I have to keep relearning things I ought to know by now!
The strawberries are long gone and the tomatoes have a way to go. So I will feast on kohlrabi and peas for the time being. The thing about the garden I like the best is there is always something. Seasons for everything; and everything at the right time.
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