“But he was a little trying. One minute he would exasperate you, because he would do things his way, and then he would be so sweet you almost wanted to cry.”
Further along she says:
“Pinnegar was a gardener…just a gardener… and gardeners are all a little like that.”
So that’s my excuse! I like to do things my way because that is what gardeners are like! Actually, I just like to do things that will give me good produce, beautiful flowers, and healthy plants. If something doesn’t work, then try something else.
I have been in the process of outlining my mother’s garden with mulch to keep the weeds in the woods, including poison ivy, at bay. I lay wet newspapers down several sheets thick and then top them with pine bark mulch. It sure saves on the time I spend weeding! And the newspapers eventually rot so no problem there. I would never have the time to take care of two gardens without newspapers helping me out. I never seem to have enough of them to do what I want to do either!
The bright daisy-like flowers of Feverfew are in bloom right now. This is such a reliable plant. I planted it many years ago in hopes that the self-help books I had read about it would cure me of the headaches I used to get. It didn’t help with the headaches, but this plant sure brightens my garden with the lovely flowers. It does self seed, however they are easily controlled and it is good to start with a new plant from scratch every now and then as the older ones don’t continue to thrive forever.
The giant alliums are through, but that doesn’t mean I am through with them. I took some spray pain and give a few of them a bit of color. They won’t last until the end of the summer of course; the elements will get to them first. But they will last a little while and give me a some brightness in my day.
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