Saturday, September 10, 2011

The Garden in Fall

Autumn is upon us here in mid Michigan, even though the sun in shining and the temperature is warm. No matter. The days are shorter and that undeniable fall smell is in the air. That does not mean that the garden is done or that there is no color to behold. Fortunately for us Sedum Autumn Joy is now coming into its own. And its own is a spectacular maroon color that will continue right up to frost. I love how this plant continues to change throughout the fall and the birds love that I don't cut it down until spring.

Okay, this picture doesn't look like much. But I planted some winter rye beneath the straw this week and am hoping that I watered it well enough to germinate and grow this fall. If it does I will turn it under next spring to provide nourishment for next year's garden. I have not tried this before, but I figured what the heck. Anything to feed my vegetables next year.

The kale is still going strong in the fall garden. I have planted different varieties including one called dinosaur which has some spectacular leaves. This plant may still be there after frost. And then it will be time to plant garlic. Everything to look forward to! Yes, that is September indeed.

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