Monday, September 5, 2011

Putting Food By

This is the lovely time of year. The tomatoes I picked today were picture perfect. And just as tasty, unlike what you buy in the grocery store in January. September is prime tomato eating time. But since I still crave tomatoes in January I put food by. This food dehydrator works just fine for cut up Juliet tomatoes. Once they are dry I will store them in a cool dry place and then use them on salads come January. They add a nice crunch and they taste good.

Other varieties of tomatoes I grew this year include Cream Sausage, Roma VF, Kellogg's Breakfast and the Great White tomato. Using a food mill I have processed the latest batch (all together) into a sauce that is currently cooking on the stove. Soon I will freeze it and have it available for spaghetti sauce and soups this winter.

My only regret is that my freezer is just about full. I am seriously debating getting a small freezer, but my house is so small I don't know where I would put it. I suppose I could always get rid of the kitchen table!

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