Saturday, October 1, 2011

All in a day's work (or more)

This is the time of year I am busy in the kitchen putting produce by. Last year I took a canning class offered through the Saginaw County Extension Office. With all of the tomatoes, peppers and onions I harvested this year I was able to can 10 pints of salsa, at least 12 pints of tomato sauce and still have plenty left over to share with Hidden Harvest.

Since I was away for a couple of weeks in the biggest state of the union (Alaska) I was a little bit late in harvesting my potatoes. No matter. They patiently waited for me to spend many hours digging, cleaning and drying them. Hopefully they will last me well into March, even though I do share them with my parents.

There is still plenty of time to visit your local farmer's market if you want to freeze some corn and green beans. I stopped at the Oakland County Farmer's Market on my way home from my sister's this morning and picked up some corn and green beans which are now in the freezer. I blanch the green beans before freezing but the corn gets removed from the cob and then frozen as is.
And so the life of a gardener goes. Soon the snow will be blowing and I will be ready for a long winter's rest. Life is good!

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