Sunday, October 30, 2011

Hampshire Farms

This past week I made a trip to Kingston, Michigan with a friend so we could buy some bread, beans and eggs from Hampshire Farms. I cam home with bread, beans, eggs, popcorn, lentils and oatmeal. Oh well, best laid plans...

Hampshire Farms is a certified organic farm that uses a mill from 1917 to grind the flour they use in their breads. This time I bought 3 seed and wild rye breads. Janet also bought cherry walnut. I can testify that this is the best bread ever. That mill sure does a good job.

I usually buy my eggs from a friend at the library who raises chickens, but I decided to go ahead and buy a carton while I was there, simply because I fell in love with these lovely chicks. They are a heritage variety called Barred Plymouth Rocks. Fortunately these chickens have a couple of wonderful dogs named Jack and Mac to give them protection. And I can attest to the fact that these dogs are wonderful. They seemed to like me so all is right with the world.

The bread is baked in this wood-fired beehive oven that has a capacity to make 40 loaves at a time. I cannot recommend this bread highly enough. If you are able to get to Kingston, they bake their breads on Friday so if you get their between 3:00-6:00 in the afternoon you can buy some then. Or else visit them at Eastern Market or the Royal Oak Farmer's Market on Saturdays. Maybe you'll see me there!

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