Monday, November 7, 2011

Fall Clean-up

It is inevitable here in Michigan that come November it is time to put the garden to bed and think about a long winter's rest. I actually don't mind the rest since the garden keeps me busy from spring to fall. And I have more time to read. Of course some of those books I read happen to be about gardening! I guess I can never fully leave it behind.

The nice thing about fall is that there is still a lot of color to be had. The burning bush comes into its own at this time of year. And although I have thought about digging it out at times, I never quite manage to do so because of the vibrant red color it displays.

There was a bit of color this morning in the yarrow (variety Paprika). Maybe I shouldn't have been surprised to see this. Yarrow was the one wildflower that was still in bloom on my trip to Alaska this past September. Michigan is a bit further south than Alaska so maybe I should have expected this nice surprise in November here.

Well, the leaves in the front are raked and everything I intend to cut back for now is cut back. Time to clean the tools I guess. But I think I will save that for another day. A gardener's work is never really done.

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