Sunday, November 27, 2011

The Last of...

Last week I finished the final fresh green pepper from the garden. This week I made the last cabbage into slaw. There is always a last of everything. I try to make my lasts go as far into the winter season as possible. I still have plenty of onions, carrots and potatoes. The root vegetables keep quite well. And the garlic. Hopefully I will still be eating Orange Treasure tomatoes in January. They kept for a long time last year and the longevity of this tomato variety is looking good for this year as well.

Of course different preservation methods will make the "last of" last even longer. Canning salsa, freezing tomato sauce and drying tomatoes and peppers means that I will be eating from the garden all winter long. Food will still taste good, be healthy for me and cost nothing in the way of energy since only my steps from the garden to the house were involved in the transportation of this food. Since I try to walk 10,000 steps a day I consider this a very good thing indeed. 

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