Sunday, December 11, 2011

House plants in Michigan

Several years ago on their 40th wedding anniversary My Aunt Helen and Uncle Ralph received this plant from my parents in celebration. And this plant which would die if not kept indoors in Michigan is doing quite well outside in Barefoot Bay, Florida. For every plant there is a place, and that place depends upon the weather. I can't tell you the name of this house plant, but I can tell you it is thriving outside in full sun in Florida. As are these more colorful long lived plants that like the heat and die in the cold.

I recently spent a week visiting my aunts in Florida so that they could spend some time with their sister, my mother. Plants are wonderful. But they are more wonderful when they tell the stories of the people who planted them. These plants tell the story of my mom and her sisters. And that is quite a tale to tell!

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