Sunday, March 18, 2012

Cayamo Music Cruise 2012 (plus flowers)

Sorry, but no, I can't identify all of these plants. Aging does that thing to me, you know, can't remember the names of all the plants in my backyard, let alone ones of the Caribbean that I suspect I would only be able to grow as annuals here in Michigan.

So, even though I can't identify these beauties, beauties they still are. I loved the markings and root systems of these trees. I don't have anything like it at home. Not surprising.

The Cayamo music cruise focuses on singer songwriters. Some well known people (that is, folks you just might have heard of) included John Hiatt, Lyle Lovett and Lucinda Williams. Some you may not have heard of are the Belle Brigade, Native Run and the Civil Wars (I have been listening to all three of these groups today so they get a mention). The Civil Wars went on to earn a couple of much deserved Grammys. If you have never listened to them, you should.

Yes, this is a garden blog. But being in the garden (where I have been a bit the past week due to unseasonal temps) is music to me. They go hand in hand. The birds know this. So do the squirrels. So does my sump pump which has created a problem for me, excuse me, no, a challenge.

Anne is rambling. What else is new. Suffice it to say, whether you are listening to the Civil Wars, listening to the squirrels chatter, or seeing the music in earlier than heck daffodils, music is the spice of life. So, sing on--tra la!

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