Monday, March 26, 2012

Early Spring

Everyone I know has been remarking about the warm weather we are experiencing here in mid Michigan this year. It has been enjoyable to get outside in a t-shirt and shorts, but a little disconcerting since I am not used to 80 degree weather several days in a row with spring barely begun. Oh well, such is life in Michigan.

I was checking my garden diary to see when the daffodils and hyacinths were in bloom last year. My diary noted that they were in bloom on May 4th. Yikes! I will be lucky if they are still in bloom on April 4th this year! Can the asparagus be far behind?

I am writing this of course on the coldest day we have had recently. Or at least it seems cold in comparison. It is supposed to warm up to the 60s tomorrow so I guess I will be back out to the garden doing spring clean up.

Anyways, whether it is April or May, it is time to enjoy the flowers while I can. And enjoy them I do. A gardener's life sure is a good one!

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