Monday, April 2, 2012


In 1637 in the Netherlands the price of a single tulip bulb reached a price that would have bankrupted me had I been foolish enough to buy it. Soon after the peak in the price tulips hit rock bottom, sending the economy of the Netherlands into a tailspin. Imagine that! All for a flower!

No, I confine my mania for tulips to a non speculative sort of activity. Namely, I plant them and see if they grow, when they bloom and for how long. This year the tulips, like the rest of my early bulbs decided that late March and early April was a good enough time to give their display. Despite ice pellets last Friday, here they are in all their glory. Probably about a month earlier than last year, but I will take them anyways.

These hardy red and yellow tulips have been multiplying for me for years. Some tulips only give one year of color and should be treated as annuals. But these old fashioned ones just keep coming back to give more.

So lessons learned here, don't sell your house to buy a tulip bulb. And if you plant the old fashioned varieties, they will give you many years of joy.

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