Monday, April 23, 2012

What's in Bloom Now

Every so often I like to take a walk around my garden to see what is in bloom. I am generally amazed at how many flowers are out there on any given day. And this being so early in the garden season in Michigan I am especially amazed about the color I am seeing.

I was worried that I wouldn't have any daffodils in bloom by now, but these Altruist daffodils I planted in the front garden last fall are now in their prime. My front garden faces the east, so these daffodils were a little slower coming along than the ones in the back which are placed in a full sun area. So, depending upon where you place a plant, you can extend the season of bloom.

I don't usually get trilliums until May so it is a treat to enjoy them this early in the season. Of course that means that I won't get to enjoy them later. Soon they will make way for the columbines, one of my favorite flowers.

This hellebore has been in bloom now for quite some time. Adds a nice touch to the Muscari next to it.

What else is in bloom? Tulips, Lamium, one of my apple trees (which means that I will get apples this year), grape hyacinths, a variety of Muscari call Valerie Finnis, Geranium Tuberosum, Bleeding Heart, species tulips and Korean Spice Viburnum. Not bad for a cool late April day!

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