Sunday, April 15, 2012

A Good Rain is a Gardener's Friend

This spring has probably been the strangest spring I have ever experienced. Starting in late winter we experienced a rather long period of summer like temperatures. My daffodils were blooming and it was still winter! What worried me most was the lack of rain. Yes, the ground was dry enough that I could get out into the garden and get a bit of work done early. But the price I paid for the extra garden time was plants that were looking fairly stressed out due to the lack of moisture in the soil. I guess I don't really care when they bloom, just that they get the good rains that they need.

And today thankfully it rained after numerous days with nothing at all. Everything is starting to look lush and even the butterfly bushes look like they have come back to life. This Korean Spice viburnum is looking beautiful as well and the scent is heavenly. Since I just planted it last year I am not sure when it is supposed to bloom. So I just enjoy it in mid April this year and wait to see what happens next year. 

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