Tuesday, May 8, 2012

If You Plant it They Will Come

Last year I went through the process (and yes, it was a process) of starting some red milkweed from seeds that I got from the Seed Savers Exchange because it happens to be the plant that the caterpillars of monarch butterflies love to eat. I sowed the seeds 1/4 inch deep in moistened soil which I covered with plastic bags and refrigerated for ten days. Then I stuck them under light and lo and behold the seeds germinated after about 15 days.

I planted my seedlings last summer and saw a few monarchs, which I generally do see. But this year the monarchs are out in full force. Much more than a few!

The milkweed is a perennial and it is coming back (though slowly). This is one perennial I will definitely hang on to as the monarchs keep me company and let me know that something good is going on in my garden.

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