Sunday, June 26, 2011

I Think it's Summer

This past May was probably the rainiest May I can ever remember. A cold and rainy spring. I wasn't sure if summer would ever come. And when I was at the Farmer's Market last Friday I still wasn't entirely sure about summer. There was a chill wind in the air and I was glad to have my sweatshirt.

But if the weather isn't sure I guess I can count on my flowers to tell me that summer is really here. The lavender and the roses are at their peak right now so I am declaring that summer has officially arrived.

I need to pick this lettuce soon as the weather is slated to turn hot by the Fourth of July weekend. Lettuce does not like the heat. In that respect it resembles a certain gardener I know.

I usually think of Purple Coneflower as a plant that blooms in August. But the flowers are starting to bud so I know they will be in full bloom in July. The buds are pretty too!

I save these red cannas from year to year, digging them up in fall and storing them in a paper bag in my closet which is the coldest place in my house. It may not be the garden correct way of doing things but it works for me. I had so many cannas this past year the Master Gardeners used them in our garden at the Children's Zoo.

Finally a red lupine in my garden. I seem to have no trouble with the purple and white variety but I can't seem to get the red ones to grow. So I don't know if this one will return next year or not, but for now I am quite pleased.

This is the first lily of the season. I absolutely love lilies of all colors, but I am very careful around them. When I am weeding I wear old paint clothes since they seem to stain my clothes. It takes me awhile, but I do learn from past mistakes.
And fortunately there are many more lilies on the way. Now for a homegrown tomato! Summer will be just about perfect then!

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