Sunday, July 24, 2011

Dog Days of Summer

I know I live in Michigan and since I live in Michigan I am generally either complaining about the snow and the cold or I am complaining about how hot I am. This past week I haven't complained about the cold at all.

Fortunately the Purple Coneflower likes the heat just fine. And it seems to survive the lack of rain as well. I have been watering (with what little rain water my rain barrels have collected) but it never seems to perk up the garden the same way a good rain does. So I am doing another rain dance today and keeping my fingers crossed.

The Russian Sage and Liatris are in bloom now and make a good pastel mix. This was not planned of course since I tend to plop my plants in the ground where I find room. I get nice surprises since the plants don't need me much once they are in the ground.
This is a Hibiscus, variety Luna Red which I planted this year where the butterfly bush died. When plants die instead of crying over them I look at it as an opportunity to plant something else. And no, the flowers aren't bigger than me, but they are pretty darn big and impressive.

The Asiatic lilies have been at their peak these past couple of weeks. And now it is the Stargazers turn. I like the contrast of the petals with the pollen.

Soon, soon, the Juliets are coming! Juliet tomatoes, a small Roma shaped tomato are the first to turn red in my garden. I have a pot on the deck that has some that are starting to turn. It's about time! I look forward to eating these before August. We shall see.
This year I am doing my best to protect some of the apples on my apple trees. I used Surround which is an organic product to protect the fruits from assorted pests. I have also tied some little bags made of nylon I bought from a company last year. So far, so good.

I picked my first peppers this week. I was able to make black bean salad using my own peppers. Now I am waiting on the Juliets!

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