Sunday, July 10, 2011

Gourds and Lilies

People who know me know that I am not exactly the artistic type. I did, however, manage to take a dried swan gourd from the plant I grew last year and create a birdhouse that is now hanging from one of my apple trees. It doesn't look too bad from far away. What I did was clean it to remove all the black spots after it had dried out. Then, using an exacto knife I cut a circle to create a hole. I cleaned out what was inside, then spray painted it blue. Then I drilled a hole at the top, slipped florist wire through, tied a knot and that was it. Not too bad for an amateur.

Tis the season for lilies and daylilies. I have several varieties of each and they are in full bloom right now. The oriental lilies last a bit longer than the daylilies, but the daylilies have plenty of blossoms and will continue to give color for awhile. They look better when I remove the spent flowers, but they seem to mind this heat less than I do. So who knows when I will get out there to do it. Certainly not today!

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