Monday, June 18, 2012

Monet's Gardens at Giverny

Several years ago (when I was somewhat young) I had the opportunity to visit Monet's Gardens at Giverny with my mother. For an avid gardener this was a trip of a lifetime and as we were there in May an iris lover's delight. The irises were in full bloom and couldn't have been lovelier.

I took many photographs while we were there, none of them digital nor did they do justice to what the garden feels like when you are standing in the middle of it. Only Monet could do it justice in my opinion, but here are a few of the photos I took.

The place to go for Monet of course is the d'Orsay Museum assuming you can make a trip to France. There are several museums a bit closer to home that have some of his work though if France is a bit too far. Every time I have been in Washington DC I have made a point to visit the National Gallery just to see the impressionists.

Best of all though is to go to France and visit both the museum and the garden. That is what my mother and I did.

I returned home with every intention of trying to recreate what I saw with the irises.Needless to say, I failed. Last year I dug up the purple irises and planted some yellow irises instead in hopes of defeating the iris borer that has been plaguing me for years. The yellow irises I have seem to be more resistant to the borer so I think I may be on to something, even if it doesn't recreate what I saw at Giverny.

Giverny is divided into two parts, a flower garden called Clos Normand in front of the house and a Japanese inspired water garden. These two parts of Monet's garden contrast and complement one another, sort of like my mother and me. My mother takes her time at things and does them right. Me, well I am always anxious to get stuff done.

We do get along and had a wonderful time on this trip. And I currently always keep myrtle in my garden as it is my mother's favorite plant. Mom's memory is not what it used to be so it is nice to reminisce about this happy time I had with her. I didn't have a bucket list back in 1998 when we made this trip, but I am pretty sure I can still add this garden to it. If you ever get the chance, I suggest you add it to yours.

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