Monday, June 11, 2012

Move it or Lose it

When I visit my parents one of my goals is to get them walking so they exercise their muscles. If we don't use the muscles in our body they tend to get weaker, making it harder to do the things we need to do in this life.

The move it or lose it axiom also stands true for the plants in my garden. I planted this tiny campanula in a spot that was plenty big enough for it -- between the lamium and the lady's mantle. Well, most gardeners might tell you that probably wasn't the best spot for it as the lamium spread out from the south and the lady's mantle spread out from the north and I was constantly cutting both plants back to give my poor little campanula room to breath. This year I decided enough was enough. so I dug up the campanula and placed it in a spot all it's own between these two columnar apple trees I have. What a pleasant surprise! It is blooming and doing just fine in its new home.

The lamium and lady's mantle now get to duke it out with each other. And the campanula is still living because I decided to move it rather than lose it. Definitely a win for me!

1 comment:

  1. Anne, you never cease to amaze me. I actually moved a couple of plants this year, myself! My foot hurt for a week after stomping on that shovel.
