Sunday, July 1, 2012

Gardener on the Roof

Last week I had the good fortune to meet some old friends for dinner at the Traffic Jam, one of my favorite restaurants in Detroit. This restaurant has been around since 1965 and includes a microbrewery, bakery, dairy and their own rooftop garden. The menu advertises ingredients grown on the roof, and if you ask them,they will lead you up a rather old staircase to the roof where you can see what they have growing up there.


Corn, tomatoes, peppers and herbs are all started in the recently built greenhouse that is also on the roof. And anything not growing up there, but still used in the restaurant is probably grown in the community garden that is visible from the roof down the street from the restaurant.


The dairy produces cheeses from local milk. And there is something on the menu for everyone, whether you prefer something vegetarian or a burger, you will go away satisfied. So the next time you are in Detroit and it is too hot to sit outside listening to a concert (what we originally planned to do), go out to dinner and put the Traffic Jam on your list of restaurants to visit.

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