Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Plants on the Loose


Okay, this is a case of do as I say, not as I do. There is a reason those seed packets tell you to space your plants apart at a particular distance. Just because they don't seem to take up much room in May doesn't mean your garden will look the same way in July.


My problem is I look through the seed catalogs during the winter and I want one of everything. I may not buy one of everything, but I make a pretty good effort at this. Unfortunately I live in the city on a small city plot and there isn't room for one of everything. But I start seeds from all the varieties I have and then make every effort to find room for them. This is not a good idea as zucchini tends to hide anyways, and if it hides too long, well, it might just grow to be bigger than you.

One way to grow more in a smaller space is to grow vertically. I grow my cucumbers on a trellis so there is room for more and also to keep the fruit off the ground. It works pretty well, but of course the zucchini which is planted in the same bed likes to mingle with the cucumbers.


Oh well, it's a jungle out there and I guess I am the queen. But queen of my garden jungle is the only kind of queen I want to be as it means I will be eating good once the fruit of the vine comes along.

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