Sunday, July 15, 2012

Here Come the Veggies. You be the Judge.

This past week I spent a few days in Hillsdale County, Michigan where my mother grew up. I was checking into some family history and met up with a third cousin, once removed. She had plenty of photos of the Riley family to share with me.

Mary is the daughter of a farmer, the granddaughter of a farmer and wife of a farmer. Her farmers have all passed on, but she is still going strong. We managed to talk about soy beans, plants drying up due to the heat and no rain and of course the harvest.

Today I managed to pick some peas past their prime, kohlrabi, broccoli, cucumbers and zucchini. Time to make some more humus so I have something to dip the kohlrabi in. And perhaps a broccoli rice casserole.

Or perhaps not. I sure don't want to turn on the oven today. Yes it is supposed to get into the 90s and although we did actually get a tiny amount of rain last night the garden is still dry.

Dry, but still producing, and that is what it is all about.

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