Monday, August 6, 2012

Forellenschluss lettuce : Plant Profile


I bought these seeds from the Seed Savers Exchange this year and was quite pleased with this particular lettuce. There was no trouble with them sprouting (despite the lack of rain), they produced well, continued growing despite the heat and only just recently have the plants I didn't harvest gone to seed in the garden. This pot of Forellenschluss lettuce continues to go strong on the deck.

Forellenschluss lasts pretty well in the refrigerator and I expect to be eating it for awhile, even though this is August. What does this mean for the future? It means that I am going to try and save the seed and plant them next year. Any plant that has survived this summer in my garden is a keeper. A lettuce still alive in August, well that plant is not just a keeper, it's a winner.

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