Sunday, September 16, 2012

Blooms in Fall


It may be fall (or almost) but that does not mean the blooms have to stop in your garden. I planted these colchicums a few years ago and they have done nothing except spread their loveliness. These giant crocus-like blooms do not last for long, but while they last they are quite impressive. The leaves come up in the spring, then die back for the summer. Then, come September the blossoms appear like magic.

It is difficult to see the flamingo hiding in the asters at this time of year. The asters are just prolific and eye-catching. Set against the ornamental grass which is also in bloom they are a bright spot in my garden.


It is not all about the produce at this time of year, although setting the produce by is my main garden activity in September. Just so long as I have a few blossoms as well, I can stay on a cheery note. Need to stay cheery when the days are shorter and winter is just around the bend...

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